Skin Care Articles

Best Skincare Routine For Acne-Prone Skin


If you’ve acne-prone skin, you may agree that this battle is endless – whiteheads, blackheads, skin congestion, and whatnot, the big red zit never comes alone. With the endless array of products and all the suggestions and advice that follow, it can get overwhelming to find what suits you the best. Here’s what we...
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What Not To Do In Your Skincare Routine?


We read a lot of posts every day, that tell us to do this or do that, but no one tells us about what ‘not’ to do, maybe that’s the reason why a perfectly put-together routine isn’t working for you anymore! Internet is an opinionated place, there will be advice that you never asked...
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5 Steps to Effectively Use Face Clay Mask for Spotless Skin


If you want to look stunning, the trick is simple: adorn your skin with optimum love. But, many fail to realize this basic hack. For some, it is because they believe caring for their skin involves taking their bath three times daily, washing their face every second, and using the most expensive cream. While...
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Cucumber : Your skin’s new BFF


Have you been thinking to get a relaxing day off, and indulge in some refreshing facial at a professional spa or salon? Well, guess what? Sometimes you don’t need to break your bank for that soothing skin detox, what your skin’s been craving for might be right there in your fridge! You must have...
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How To Hydrate Your Skin Overnight With Just 2 Natural Products!


Want to hydrate your skin overnight? The night is more magical than the day!While you might be excused for skipping a complete skin care routine in the morning, night is an important time to pamper your skin. Every day you expose your skin to harsh UV rays, pollutants and, yes, never-ending stress, which makes it...
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How to Properly Read a Skin Care Label?


Our skin absorbs 70% of what we put on it, making it of major importance to be mindful of the ingredients we are choosing to lather on. And where do we find the information about those ingredients? It’s simple – the skin care labels! It’s a bit frightening to know the types of chemicals...
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8 amazing benefits of using Cucumber in your diet


Cucumbers make everything better. If you don’t agree with us, sushi rolls could bring us on the same page. Let’s analyze some benefits of cucumber in your diet! It goes without saying how inculcating cucumbers into your diet leads to numerous potential health benefits, including weight loss, increased internal hydration, digestive regularity and lower...
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